O   L M O D   Z A B C D O   I J K L M O M   G H I J K L M E   Y Z A B C D E T   L M N O P Q R S T E   V W X Y Z A B C D E R   G H I J K L M O P Q R
Transition numbers with ease
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How To Use

Add the js and a theme file to your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="odometer-theme-car.css" />
<script src="odometer.js"></script>

Any element with class name "odometer" will automatically be made into an Odometer! When you want to update the value, simply update it the same way you normally would.

element.innerHTML = 123 // Native, or...
$('.odometer').html(123) // with jQuery
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Odometer was made by Adam Schwartz and Zack Bloom of HubSpot.

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